the "key" memory keeping method by:

frame of life project

For overwhelmed parents who feel like time is evaporating before their eyes.

3 simple steps to:

Pause Time

Process Stories

Print Memories

Create Deeper Connections

Kiera Liu is the Chief Storyteller, Pro Photographer and memory keeping mama of 2 behind the Frame of Life Project.


A 3 Step Memorykeeping Method for busy parents. Created by a mama "juggling all the things" and witnessing time evaporate before her eyes too!

A simplified process that gives you permission to Keep things simple, Execute a project plan & Yearly backup photos and videos to save for generations.

Designed to help parents overcome overwhelm. Increase joy and connect with loved ones.

Dive into the method inside our simple Action Plan Workbook

We've Got This!

Hey Sunshine & Munchkin Fans!

I see you! You're juggling all the things: kiddos, schedules, work, fitness, meal planning, family responsibilities, global pandemics, environmental emergencies. The world feels H.E.A.V.Y. sometimes and yet time still seems to pass.

You're looking for a quick way to hit pause, process what is happening in your life, and save memories for the future generations.

But when in the heck are you supposed to find the extra time to do that? I've been right where you are, and if I am being completely honest, I AM where you are 90% of the time!

But the good news is I have figured out a simple method (named after my nickname: "KEY") to make memory keeping EASY with a side of JOY! I'll show you everything you need to know to get started in my Key Method Workbook that you can download for free. Yes -- it is my gift to YOU (and your families) for showing up to document your life stories!

I'm here to support you in any way I can so feel free to reach out any time! Learn more by catching up on our Podcast and following along on Instagram.

Chief Storyteller, Pro Photographer, Mama of 2 based in Boston, MA.

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